On My 36th Birthday

Hey my friends,

Monica here, founder & CEO at Berlin Skin. This week I turn 36 - roughly a decade after I first had the idea to launch a skincare line. In fact, February 2016 (9 years ago) was when I officially, legally incorporated the company. At the time I was working for a cool ad agency in Portland: when I wasn't doing producing for other brands (+ playing ping pong, drinking high-end third wave coffee, etc. - all the things you did when you worked for an ad agency in 2016, ha!), I was spending all my free time working on bringing Berlin Skin to life. It was exhilarating, fun, and pushed me creatively. Although I knew quite a bit about business at this point in my career, I was incredibly naive about what it would actually take to launch this thing...and in hindsight, that was a good thing - almost a superpower. I have a lot to say about diving in head first when pursuing your dreams, and not overthinking it, otherwise you'll psych yourself out: it will feel too hard, too impossible, and then you'll never do it. But with risk can come incredible reward, and that's where I feel I am today, 9 years into building this brand.

At this point in the journey, the reward for me is waking up every day to a life that I love. I'm a wife, mom, and I run a business that is helping people get their best skin yet. I love my team and I love making clean, modern, and minimal skincare for our amazing customers. I get to travel to really fun places and my mind is continually challenged by the day-to-day needs of the business. I get to formulate new products and meet and train amazing estheticians all around the country. I've met lovely people that I would have never had the opportunity to if not for this brand. 

My husband softly reminded me the other day that I am now officially in my late 30's, but I beg to differ and still consider myself in my mid-30's. Would love some help settling that debate, because I'm pretty sure I'm right. :) But I have loved being in my 30's and feel more content and grateful for life than ever before. Aging is a gift and one that I am embracing wholeheartedly. We live in a culture that idolizes youth, so much to the point that many go to extreme measures to try and keep the face and body that they had at 22. I am convinced, now more than ever, that a healthy/holistic lifestyle, clean diet, and simple but effective skincare routine is what keeps us looking our best - but more importantly, feeling our best. I am proud of what our products do for the skin and mind and it is an honor to be able to create them for you. 

I want to thank our amazing customers (YOU!) and retail partners who continue to support and advocate for us; we couldn't do it without you. Thanks to everyone who has every taken the time to write us a 5 star review or share about Berlin Skin with your family and friends...this means the world to me and I am truly grateful.

Cheers to many more years of thriving...with glowing skin!

- Monica Watson